With the winter blizzards hitting all over North America, I would guess that there has been a surge on marshmallow purchases for hot chocolate after a day of shoveling, sledding and skating. It made me curious to know how if I could make my own homemade marshmallows.

Ahhhhh...the joy of the internet. I did a search and sure enough, there are a number of recipes for making your own marshmallows at home. And the good news is, they are very easy to make, take only a few ingredients and they are VERY YUMMY and fresh and just the way a good marshmallow should taste! Here is the mister sampling a mug of hot chocolate with one of my heart shaped, cinnamon and spice flavored marshmallow in it! He said, "yummmmm" and raised his head with marshmallow stuck to his mustache.

I adapted a Martha Stewart recipe with a few tweeks of my own. First, I decided that I didn't want the standard square marshmallow, and used a small heart shaped cookie cutter to make mine ready for Valentine's Day. And my other change was that during the final powdered sugar application process I'd make my marshmallow sugar coating in three different flavors: cinnamon spice, peppermint and chocolate.

This final flavoring process was achieved by sifting the powdered (icing) sugar with a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. For the chocolate flavored I sifted baking cocoa in with the powdered sugar. For the peppermint I mixed peppermint extract into the powdered sugar and then sifted it several times. I've decided that the next time I will add the peppermint extract to the marshmallow mixture during the final whipping process.
Now there is no reason your marshmallows couldn't be chocolate (mine are all white) and just add chocolate to the marshmallow mixture. In fact, the mister has requested I experiement using chocolate chips melted into the 'batter' and I think that might work.
Would you like to try your hand at homemade marshmallows? Here is the recipe:

Just the basic ingredients are needed: sugar, unflavored gelatin, light corn syrup, salt, vanilla and confectioners' sugar (icing sugar).
You'll begin by dissolving the gelatin in a little water in your mixing bowl and setting it aside for 30 minutes. While it is dissolving you use a little saucepan on the stove and mix the sugar, corn syrup salt and water.

Then the fun begins when you cook the sugars. Be sure to use your candy thermometer and remove from heat once it reaches 244 degrees.

Then you'll CAREFULLY pour the hot sugar mixture into the geletin that has softened in your mixer bowl. Please use caution as the sugar mix is VERY hot so use the lowest speed when you begin to incorporate it into the gelatin in the mixer.

Once you've incorporated the sugar and gelatin the fun begins. Turn your mixer on high and let it whip (use a whisk attachment) for 15 minutes. I loved watching the mixture turn into thick marshmallow as it mixed....just like magic!

Now you'll add two full tablespoons of vanilla to the marshmallow mixture.

Next, you are going to prepare a glass dish/pan with a dusting of confectioners' sugar. The original recipe calls for plain confectioners sugar but you can see that I deviated from the recipe and made three different flavors of confectioners' sugar (cinnamon spice, peppermint and chocolate.) Remember, I was experimenting with flavors and next time I'm sure I'll use all the same flavor or plain confections' sugar in my pan.

Then I got my handy mister to pour the marshmallow over the confectioners sugar so I could take the photo.

Once you have it all covering the bottom layer of confectioners sugar, you'll sift a top layer of confections sugar over the top in the same manner as before.

Set your dish of marshmallow mixture aside overnight to set and dry. Do not cover it.

The next day you'll turn the marshmallows out onto a board or parchment paper and cut into 1 1/2" squares or into shapes using a cookie cutter. Be sure to heat the knife or metal cutter first. It cuts very smoothly if warmed.
And here they are, my three different flavors of heart shaped Valentine Marshmallows.

Here is the written recipe:
Fluffy, Soft and Yummy Homemade Marshmallows
2 1/2 Tablespoons unflavored gelatin (three packets worked for me)
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons pure vanilla extract
Confectioners' sugar (Icing sugar) for dusting
Optional: cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, chocolate, peppermint for flavoring the confectioners' sugar dusting.
Combine gelatin and 1/2 cup cold water in the bowl of an electric mixer with whisk attachment. Let this stand for 30 minutes to soften the gelatin.
While the geletin is softening in the mixer, combine granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, and 1/2 cup water in a small heavy saucepan on the stove; place over low heat and stir until sugar has dissolved.
Clip on a candy thermometer and raise the heat to high. Cook syrup without stirring until it reaches 244 degrees (firm ball stage). Once the temperature reaches 244 degrees, immediately remove pan from heat.
With the mixer on low speed, slowly and carefully (this is HOT sugar mixture!!) pour the syrup into the softened gelatin. Increase the speed to high and beat until the mixture is very thick and white and has almost tripled in volume, about 15 minutes. Add the vanilla and beat to incorporate.
Generously dust an 8" X 12" glass baking pan with confectioners' sugar. Pour marshmallow mixture into the pan. Dust the top with more confectioners' sugar. Wet your hands and pat the top to smooth it as you will notice a few bubbles may rise. Dust the top with confectioners' sugar again and let your marshamallow pan stand overnight, uncovered, to dry out and set up.
The next day turn out the marshmallow mixture onto parchment paper or a cutting board and cut the marshmallows into squares with a dry hot knife or with a metal cookie cutter of desired shape. Dust one more time with confectioners' sugar.
This recipe will make about 40 marshmallows about 1 and 1/2 inches in size.

I am putting together some valentine treats with these marshmallows included so check back tomorrow for my Valentine sweet treats.