Yesterday afternoon my husband treated me to the most wonderful afternoon. We went to the National Arts Centre in Ottawa to see the broadway production of WICKED. Have you seen it? NO? Oh you must!
If you are a fan of The Wizard of Oz, then I think you will thoroughly enjoy this wonderful musical. Without revealing the plotline, let me just tell you that you'll learn why the wicked witch's skin was green, the significent of the red ruby slippers, about Galinda (Glinda - the "ga" is silent) the good witch and her relationship with the wicked witch, the scarecrow, cowardly lion, tin man, flying monkeys and even the wizard of Oz.
The music and costumes, sets and lighting, choreography and special effects were out of this world amazing.
We were very, VERY fortunate to have 3rd row centre ORCHESTRA seats.
I'm still on cloud nine. I loved the production THAT MUCH! It was wonderful.
So if you enjoy live theatre and have the opportunity to see a production of WICKED, I urge you to go and see it. I know you won't be disappointed.