My mother makes the BEST strawberry shortcake. She doesn't serve it on angel food cake or those little spongey cup things they sell at the grocery store. No way! My mom makes sweet biscuits and it is the best strawberry shortcake I've ever eaten. My husband feels the same way. He had never had sweet biscuits for strawberry shortcake before and, in fact, never cared for strawberry shortcake because he didn't care for the spongey cakes he usually had it on.

The strawberries are ripe now and I bought a basketfull yesterday and wanted to surprise Paul with some strawberry shortcake for supper. I couldn't find mom's recipe so I searched the internet for sweet biscuit recipes and I found this one that is very, very tasty! I think these biscuits would be good for breakfast or as a snack with jam or jelly.

The recipe is very simple and as they say, "nuthin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven." In case you'd like to try it, here it is:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup all purpose flour for patting out the dough
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 cup powdered sugar (icing sugar)
1/4 lb ice cold unsalted butter
3/4 cup of half and half cream
(1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
(2) Combine dry ingreients
(3) Cut in butter
(4) Stir in liquid until it just begins to pull from the sides - it WILL be pretty moist.
(5) Spread 1/4 cup flour on a pastry board and dump the dough onto the flour
(6) Gently turn the dough until all sides are covered with flour
(7) Kneed by gently rubbing the dough into the flour a scant 8 to 10 turns
(8) Pat dough into a 1 inch slab
(9) Cut into rounds with a sharp round biscuit cutter. You can push the scraps together to make a few more but just try not to knead your dough too much
10) Place on insulated cookie sheet about 1/2 inch apart
11) Put in HOT oven and bake for 12 - 15 minutes

VOILA! Sweet biscuits. They actually look like very large, puffy sugar cookies and not as much like a biscuit. But yuuuuuummmmmy...when you break or slice it in a bowl, add fresh strawberries and top with whippy toppy...mmmmmmm.

Bon Appetit!