For the past 10 days I've been sick. OK...ok...I am not expecting anyone to shed a tear. It is just that I never ever get sick. Seriously! I haven't had a cold or the flu in over 10 years. Not even so much as a sniffle.
Well, all of that changed about 10 days ago when I got the grand-daddy of all colds/sinus infections...whatever. YUCKY POO! I've felt horrible.
Today I needed something for supper that was comfort food. Something to just feel better. I'm tired of jello and noodle soup. So for tonight's supper I made us some good, old fashioned Chicken and Dumplings. Mmmmmmm mmmmmm good!
I am not sure my photo does it justice since this is what was left over and scrapped from the bottom of the pot. But it sure was tastey!
So tell me. When you aren't feeling well, what is the best homecooked "medicine" that makes you feel a bit better? This "bug" of mine has gone on for ten days and at its end. Last week I wasn't even up for cooking. But ya know? Sometimes the simple fixin's are the best medicine.
Ah ahhhhh chew! I'm getting better, but I think I have a day or two left of this nastiness in me! Hopefully it will be another 10 - 15 years before I catch it again.
Hope you all are feeling well!