My little garden has been working overtime, it seems, with its produce.


First off I made Dill Pickle Slices. I love a good dill pickle and these dill pickles I've sliced so you can lay them across a sandwich or burger. Or, if you are a dill pickle truest, you can eat it out of hand too.

So while I'm making cucumber pickles, what better use of excess green beans than to make Dilly Beans! They are just like eating a dill pickle except that they are made from beans. You've GOT TO try these sometime. They are a surprise to bite into a green bean and taste the tangy dill. YUMMY!

The beans, cucumbers and green peppers continue to produce in great quantity. And now, my tomatoes are ripening faster than we are able to consume them, so I know you can guess what I've been up to! Yes! I've been making delicious preserved food and I'm looking forward to sharing you some of my new discoveries of recipes for ways to make delish preserved food items.
So until next time!
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