Thursday, September 4, 2008

Today's funny

This is such a hoot that I had to share. Actually, I have to say that I read this on Lucy's blog but as I know that there are a few seamstresses that pop by my blog from time to time, I just had to share this with you.

This is an actual quote from the Singer Sewing Guild: A Complete Reference Guild to Sewing first published in 1949)

"When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness. Have on a clean dress. Be sure your hands are clean, fingernails smooth --a nail file and pumice will help. Always avoid hangnails. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine where you can pick it up and dust your fingers at intervals. This not only absorbs the moisture on your fingers, but helps to keep your work clean. Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on with care. Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing, because if you are making something for yourself, you will try it on at intervals in front of your mirror, and you can hope for better results when you look your best.
Again, sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as you should. Therefore, “spruce up” at the beginning so that you are free to enjoy every part of any sewing you do. "

Now 'fess up, y'all. You DO this ritual each time you sew, right?

Just thought you'd enjoy a giggle for today. We've come a long way, eh baby?



  1. Oh, honey.....I put June Cleaver to shame! Now, I must run and add more French chalk. I think I feel a hangnail coming on. Smooches!

  2. This should certainly be applied to cardmaking, scrapbooking and all crafting in general. LOL

  3. OMG...that is too funny! Frankly, this is one of the changes from the past that I'm thankful for! LOL!

  4. Of course I get all spruced up!! It's the first thing I do as I crawl out of bed at noon! lol...Yeah right!! OMGosh, and to think that is the way it really was! Thank you for the chuckle Jennifer! lol

  5. This is a hoot. It reminds me of something I just read in my 1950 Betty Crocker cookbook! I'll have to share that as well. For someone who has been known to stamp AND sew in her underwear (why get dressed if you're just going to try it on again?,)I think I am in big trouble!!! Course, there probably is a grain of truth in there somewhere!

  6. More like PJ's with the "girls" unharnessed! And who wants to see THAT, right?

  7. This is fantastic! I've been caught in my robe more than I care to admit while in the midst of a crafting frenzy. Maybe they were onto something here :) LOL

  8. Oh, that is so hilarious! Thank you so much for just made my day!

  9. Does all the ink from head to toe count?...I match my work!

  10. ROFLMAO - oh yes, I ALWAYS look my best, just in case someone stops by or my husband comes home!!!! This reminds me of the very advice my grandmother gave me, God love her, born in an entirely different age and always looking her best!

  11. thanks for the laugh, I hope pj's and flipflops counts. But personally I like LeAnne's idea of stamping and sewing in my underwear! How liberating must that be?!


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