You've heard and read it before; the ancient African Proverb that states, "It takes a village to raise a child." In these times of plenty for a few and stark deprivation for many, it has made me wonder how I can, even if only in a small way, help be a part of the village to raise a child in need.
I've discovered a way and I'm using this post as a means to call out to my friends and family to help me meet a challenge and join me in making and sending 50 dresses and/or shorts to send to children in need in Africa. YES WE CAN HELP!
Little Dresses for Africa is a non-profit 501c3, Christian based organization which provides relief to the children of Africa. Simple dresses are made out of pillow cases and distributed through the orphanages, churches and schools in Africa to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy!
I have committed to donating 50 simple pillowcase dresses and/or shorts. If this is a project you'd like to donate your help to I would love to have YOU as a supporter and contributor.
Here is how you can help. Sew a simple pillowcase dress or a pair of elasticized simple shorts for a boy and send it to me. Or make two or three...or 5. Each and every dress will be going to a child in need. And the beauty of this project is that the pillowcase dress is simple to make and is a beautiful sundress style for the heat of Africa.
Before you say, "I DON'T SEW" please consider sending to me a pillowcase of your choice. I will make the dress for you and add your name to the list of donors when I send the package. You see? You don't have to sew to help.
I would love to have your help.
CLICK HERE for some photos of children receiving their dresses in Africa. Please note too that you may add pockets, trim, embroidery or leave the dresses plain. Every dress will be appreciated!
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT USE BUTTONS OR ZIPPERS on the garment as these are not easily repairable.
Here is a pictoral sample of how to make a pillowcase dress:
http://www.littledressesforafrica.org/blog/?page_id=477And this downloadable pattern, through the courtesy of Nancy Zieman at Nancy's Notions is one way to make a pillowcase dress:
http://www.nancysnotions.com/text/pdf/LittleDressesforAfrica_pattern.pdfTHE DETAILS:
1.) You want to contribute and you may email me at thimbles3 (at) hotmail (dot) com and I will send to you my mailing address for you to send to me your completed dresses or pillowcases that I will construct in your name. In your email, please tell me how many dresses or pillowcases you would like to send.
2.) Read the details about Little Dresses for Africa at their website to gain further understanding of how these simple pillowcase dresses help the little girls in need at their website:
http://www.littledressesforafrica.org/blog/3.) I would like to mail these to the
Little Dresses for Africa organization
no later than June 1, 2011 so please send me your dresses or pillow case if you want to donate in that manner as soon as you've completed it. I will package the dresses per size as the instructions state and mail them a complete list of all of the wonderful people who've helped contribute. In addition, I'll email you photos of our completed dresses and boxing them up to mail. I want you to know that it is because of your generosity, support and help that makes this worthy project a go!
4.) Please note I will not accept monetary donations. The Little Dreses for Africa does take donations and if you choose to donate in a monetary means that would be wonderful but you must do that through their secure site.
5.) I am VERY committed to meeting my goal of 50 dresses to send to
Little Dresses for Africa and will send them by June 1st. I do hope you'll help me reach my goal.
6.) If you have family or friends who sew or who would like to send me a pillowcase please spread the word.
Thank you for reading this post and, hopefully, joining me in this most worthwhile cause. I look forward to hearing from you soon if you can contribute and will keep in contact with you along the way.
It takes a whole village to raise a child!Cheers!