How cool is this award? And it is very unexpected too since I'm pretty new to blogging. I received two nominations for Rockin' Girl Blogger.
Thank you so much to Jan who's blog
FAR NORTH DESIGNS is a constant source of inspiration to me for learning techniques and backgrounds. Jan is a dear friend and so sweet to nominate me.
Also, big hugs and thanks to Pascale who's blog,
PESCBRICO is filled with gorgeous layouts and cards and stamping techniques. Oh yes, and you can read her blog in both English and Français. Merci beaucoup Pescale de m'avoir choisie!!! Je suis vraiment honorée!!
Now it is my turn to honor and nominate 5 blogs that I think are rockin' too! Oh this is hard because I have a LOT more than 5. But since the rules state I must pick only 5, here they are:
LESA - I must list you first because you awe and amaze me with your courage, strength and determination to beat this hidious breast cancer and all the while educate everyone through your blog. You truly are a rockin' blogger and dear woman too.
DEBBIE 1of2shoes we call her. Debbie has taught me SO MUCH in the past year. Debbie is truly the master of the prismacolor pencils and she has graciously and freely taught me how to use this beautiful medium. Debbie holds so much talent in her little finger...image how much she has in her whole hand! Visit her blog for a treat!
STACY What can I say? I HAVE TO check your blog everyday just to see all of the latest and greatest cards you've made. Your embellishing, layouts and designs are a roll model for everyone who views your work.
NANCY I have long admired Nancy's altered art at 2peas in a Bucket. Vintage altered art is her specialty and viewing her blog will leave you filled with inspiration.
BETH - color, vibrant and lovely. This is what you'll see when you view her cards. What a treat to visit Beth's blog!