I have been having such fun making children's toys and accessories. This crayon holder roll-up caddy was a snap to make and isn't it cute?

It holds a 16 count box of large toddler sized crayons, but you could also make it to hold the smaller, regular sized crayons too.

Just slip a crayon in each slot of the holder and roll it up.

Tie the ribbons and it is ready to throw in the diaper bag, purse or napsack. The holder holds the crayons so they won't slip and it is portable to carry with you into restaurants, waiting areas or even in the car. No worry that a box will spill. Plus...it is cute!

I think these would be fun birthday party favors or as a gift with a large pad of newsprint paper or coloring book.
Want to make one (or two or three...)? Here you go:
Crayon Holder Roll-upSupplies:
Two 22" by 6 1/2" lengths of fabric for the front and back of the holder
Two 22" by 3 1/2" lengths of fabric for the pocket to hold the crayons
Trim to edge the pocket (I used rick rack)
24 inches of Ribbon cut in half for the ties
Interfacing (optional)

Step #1: Apply interfacing and then stitch the rick rack trim to the top edge of one of the pocket pieces (the 22" X 3 1/2" piece).

Step 2: With right sides together stitch the pocket lining (the second piece of 22" X 3 1/2" rectangle) using the trim stitching line as your stitch guide. Stitch only the top trimmed edge and turn and press carefully. You now have your trimmed pocket.

Step 3: Apply interfacing to the wrong side of 22" X 6 1/2" fabric. On the right side of this piece of the 22" X 6 1/2" fabric length, align the pocket to the bottom edge. Pin and baste the bottom and side edges. You are now ready to mark the crayon holder slots so be sure you've aligned and basted well.

Step #4: Using a chalk line, pins and ruler, carefully measure and mark the stitching lines for the divider. I marked my dividers at one and one eighth inches apart. This allows for a snug fit of the crayon so that they won't fall out but not so snug that little hands can't pull them out. Be sure to leave space at each end for your 1/2" seam allowance as well as 1" space so that a crayon won't be at the very edge.

Step #5: Once you've carefully measured, marked and stitched your crayon holder lines through the pocket a inside lining it is time to place and stitch the ribbon ties to the side seam of the holder. Tack the ribbon in the center of one side.

Step #6: Next, with right sides together pin the remaining 22" X 6 1/2" fabric to the holder, carefully aligning the edges. You may want to temporarily tape or pin the free ends of the ribbon to keep them out of the seamlines.
Stitch all the way around your crayon pocket holder leaving an approximate 3" opening at the bottom edge to turn it rightside out. Finish your seam lines and I suggest reinforcing the corners with a couple of stitches in the corners.

Step #7: Turn your crayon holder rightside out. Press firmly. Slipstitch the bottom opening closed and topstitch 1/4" around the perimeter of the pouch.

YOU'RE FINISHED! Grab a box of crayolas and fill the slots with crayons.

To roll up the holder start from the outside edge to the right and roll toward the ribbon ties that are on the left.

Tie up a pretty bow around the crayon holder and you've completed your Crayon Holder Roll-up! Easy peasy!

There are a number of tutorials for similar crayon holders on the internet. This is one I put together using my own method. I am happy to share my method with you free of charge. If you do make one, I just ask you link back to my blog where you've found it and be sure to show me photos of yours!
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